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to repent (of) one's sins

См. также в других словарях:

  • repent — v. 1) to repent sincerely 2) (D; intr.) to repent of (to repent of one s sins) 3) (rare) (G) he repented having stolen the car * * * [ riːpənt] (rare) (G) he repented having stolen the car to repent sincerely (D; intr.) to repent of (to repent of …   Combinatory dictionary

  • repent — repent1 [ri pent′] vi. [ME repenten < OFr repentir < VL repoenitere < L re , again + poenitere, for paenitere: see PENITENT] 1. to feel sorry or self reproachful for what one has done or failed to do; be conscience stricken or contrite:… …   English World dictionary

  • repent — I re•pent [[t]rɪˈpɛnt[/t]] v. i. 1) to feel regretful or contrite for past conduct: to repent of an act[/ex] 2) to be penitent for one s sins and seek to change one s life for the better 3) to remember with self reproach or contrition: to repent… …   From formal English to slang

  • repent — verb (formal) ADVERB ▪ genuinely, sincerely, truly ▪ In order to be saved one must truly repent. VERB + REPENT ▪ come to ▪ …   Collocations dictionary

  • Fasting — is primarily the act of willingly abstaining from some or all food, drink, or both, for a period of time. An absolute fast is normally defined as abstinence from all food and liquid for a defined period, usually a single day (24 hours), or… …   Wikipedia

  • comedy — comedial /keuh mee dee euhl/, adj. /kom i dee/, n., pl. comedies. 1. a play, movie, etc., of light and humorous character with a happy or cheerful ending; a dramatic work in which the central motif is the triumph over adverse circumstance,… …   Universalium

  • — 【참】 뉘우치다; 저지른 잘못을 뉘우치고 고백하다 심방변부 17획 (총20획) [v] repent; confess one s sins …   Hanja (Korean Hanzi) dictionary

  • The Sacrament of Penance —     The Sacrament of Penance     † Catholic Encyclopedia ► The Sacrament of Penance     Penance is a sacrament of the New Law instituted by Christ in which forgiveness of sins committed after baptism is granted through the priest s absolution to… …   Catholic encyclopedia

  • Salvation — For other uses, see Salvation (disambiguation). Part of a series on Salvation …   Wikipedia

  • Repentance — For other uses, see Repentance (disambiguation). Repentance is a change of thought to correct a wrong and gain forgiveness from a person who is wronged. In religious contexts it usually refers to confession to God, ceasing sin against God, and… …   Wikipedia

  • Original sin — For other uses, see Original Sin (disambiguation). Original sin[1] is, according to a theological doctrine, humanity s state of sin resulting from the Fall of Man.[2] This condition has been characterized in many ways, ranging from something as… …   Wikipedia

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